Sometimes we're thrown into this disillusionment that fixes us into the accepted monogamous lifestyle of the society. But this only acts to hinder us from exploring our sexual intimacies. And if you interrogate closely, you'll find that there are many couples looking for a threesome in our midst. Not that their love towards each other has faded, but because they love each other enough to allow them explore new sexual ecstasies.
If you and your partner are looking to have a threesome but are unsure of where the urge is coming from, here are top four reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid to join the swingers' community.
1. It's biological
As the human species, most individuals have been biologically wired to engage in sex with more than one partner. Men, for example, need to pass on their genes to as many offspring as possible to increase the survival rates of their species. It is the reason why some men cheat in relationships and why they seem not to be satisfied by one woman. That's why it's commendable to let couples looking for threesomes have them as this guarantees that the partners stay in the relationship while still exploring different sensual experiences.
2. Boredom
In the lifecycle of sexual relationships, it reaches a point when sex no longer cuts it, either due to the monotony of having one partner or the urge to see what else is out there. When it reaches such a point, it becomes a good idea to find a threesome for couples in order to keep that fire burning, otherwise, your relationship will go down the drain. However, be sure to lay down rules for which to follow so that none of you find themselves so deep in the hole that they can't find their way out.
3. Exploration
Still wondering why the idea of a threesome excites you? Well, it's because you want to explore. Maybe your current partner is the first partner you ever had and have never been with another partner. However, you still love them and want to maintain them while exploring the sexual worlds out there. In short, you want to have your cake and still eat it. You can do so with threesome hook ups where you can enjoy different sexual experiences, while still having your partner.
4. Spicing things up
Maybe you love your partner and the sex is good too, but you want to add a little spiciness in there to rejuvenate that up. Sometimes this may come out as a very bad idea especially if your partner is the jealous type, or it may come out as a very good idea if your partner agrees with you. Basically, you'll get to spice up your relationship and maybe even prevent your partner from cheating with someone you don’t know. It cures the thirst to cheat while enhancing your love bond. And if you're of the idea of a threesome, then don't lock it up. Engage your partner and see how it goes. Make your own rules.
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Do not let the societal rules of monogamy cramp up your relationship and prevent you from looking for a woman for a threesome and vice versa. Go out there and look for the best site to find a threesome with your partner and unleash new sexual experiences. Love and sex are separate. You can love your partner and still be looking to have a threesome. Only draw the line for when to stop. It's always a good thing to spice up your relationship so it can last.
By Admin, Last Updated: Mar 15, 2022